MyBotPage Training Videos

MyBotPage has made capturing leads at very high conversion rates and building engaging branded experiences very simple. Everything you need to build, launch and optimize your landing pages are handled using the MyBotPage Back Office. We have built a very intuitive user experience utilizing a chatbot to put all the controls only a click away. There is no better way to learn the MyBotPage Landing Page software than to watch the videos provided here.

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MyBotPage Training Videos

MyBotPage Getting Started Quick Tour

Time: 0:17:18

This training video should be the first video you watch to get acquainted with the power, flexibility, and simplicity of the MyBotPage Dynamic Landing Page platform. Included in this video are first signing up for a free trial account and then the creation of a new MyBotPage. For this MyBotPage, we create a subscribe to our newsletter signup dynamic landing page - which is one of the more popular uses for the platform. We use Chatbot Flow 2 to ask a qualifying question to our visitors. We cover implementing a beautiful background image from our gallery and setting up the lead capture settings. We also populate the SEO meta title and description fields.

Backing Up Your Pages

Time: 0:03:51

Backing up your MyBotPage content is simple using our Share Code system. In this training you will learn how to backup and restore your page content with few simple clicks.

Add A Contact Us Button

Time: 0:03:23

This training video covers how to add a contact us button at the opening and closing of your MyBotPage. This is a nice feature if you want to allow visitors to contact you directly.

Assigning A Page Editor

Time: 0:02:56

In this quick MyBotPage training video you will learn how to assign a Page Editor to have access to edit a specific MyBotPage in addition to the MyBotPage account owner.

Changing Your Page ID

Time: 0:02:40

If you ever want to change your PAGE ID so that the URL is better connected to the content on the MyBotPage - we made it very simple to do as this quick training video shows.

Using A Share Code

Time: 0:03:33

MyBotPage offers free Share Code Templates that you can use to populate your MyBotPage content instantly. This training video shows you how simple it is to use them.

Page Stats

Time: 0:02:42

Your MyBotPage stats really give you insight as to the effectiveness of your page. Learn how to view your page stats, what they mean and how to reset them back to zero.

Working With Multiple Pages

Time: 0:05:10

Your MyBotPage account allows you to build and launch up to 10 unique MyBotPages. This MyBotPage training video teaches you how to switch between pages to edit their contents.

Lead Capture Options & Settings

Time: 0:06:02

Lead Capture is at the center of the MyBotPage universe and in this training we go over all the different options and settings you have when creating your landing page.

Page Content: Header

Time: 0:07:02

This training covers the options for the Header section of your MyBotPage. You will learn how to use either an image or text as the header for great branding or identifying the offer.

Page Content: Opening

Time: 0:06:57

The opening section of your MyBotPage is very important and used to grab the visitor's attention and invite them to engage with the page further by clicking that first button.

Page Content: Engagement Question

Time: 0:05:14

Drawing the visitor into the conversation of your MyBotPage is very important and one of the best ways is in using an engagement question right after the opening of your MyBotPage.

Page Content: Main

Time: 0:05:32

This training video explains the options in the main content section of your MyBotPage. We show you how to add a video, text and text button to an existing MyBotPage.

Page Content: Closing

Time: 0:04:32

This video covers the MyBotPage closing. The closing is very important to set follow-up expectations for the visitor and linking to another page, download or social platform.

Chatbot Flow 1: Lead Capture

Time: 0:02:03

This video training shows you the advantages of using Chatbot Flow 1 for your MyBotPage. Flow 1 is the default setting as it is perfect for lead capture or registrations.

Chatbot Flow 2: Surveys

Time: 0:08:27

Surveys are a great part of the MyBotPage system. In this training we will show you how to incorporate a survey of up to 10 questions using Chatbot Flow 2.

Chatbot Flow 3: Quiz W/Grading

Time: 0:08:26

Learn how to build a quiz with automatic grading using Chatbot Flow 3. A MyBotPage quiz is fantastic for lead capture as the visitor gives you his email to get his score.

Chatbot Flow 4: Coach Lesson

Time: 0:08:49

Coaches can really connect with prospects or clients by using Chatbot Flow 4 and in this training video we show you how to build out a MyBotPage using this option.

Chatbot Flow 5: Ratings

Time: 0:05:47

In this video training we show you how to build an interactive ratings MyBotPage using Chatbot Flow 5 where your visitors can rate statements or images.

Engaged Visitor Credits

Time: 0:03:37

The MyBotPage account comes with 200 engaged visitor credits and this video tells you how your account usage is tracked and how to purchase additional credits.

Answers To Your
Training Questions?

MyBotPage is a revolutionary landing page platform unlike any other in the world.

MyBotPage uses conversational AI chatbots that can be shared with other MyBotPage owners by using a template share code to present interactive and engaging branded messaging keeping the visitor's complete focus leading them to your conversion goal.

Do you have more questions?
Email for answers.

👉 Not Exactly. We have periodic live webinars that you can attend for free. We hope the training videos here cover all your questions.
👉 Things Happen. Please email if you need assistance or want to report an issue with the programming.
👉 Absolutely. We live for your feedback. We are constantly working on improving the MyBotPage platform and usually only build features that are directly requested by our users. Please forward your feature request to and we will look into it and if it makes sense for all, we will put it on our roadmap.