MyBotPage Landing Page Backgrounds
You can easily utilize any one of the following background images for your MyBotPage. Simply enter the number of the background in your MyBotPage Back Office. You can also incorporate your own custom background image or have our pros design one to your specifications.
Beautiful Imagery
MyBotPage Page Backgrounds
Answers To Your
Background Questions?
MyBotPage is a revolutionary service unlike any other in the world.
MyBotPage uses AI chatbots on beautiful landing pages with custom backgrounds to present interactive and engaging branded messaging keeping the visitor's complete focus leading them to your conversion goal.
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👉 No. You can utilize any of these backgrounds and change it as often you would like. You have total control in the MyBotPage Back Office and simple instructions are located there as well.
👉 Yes. Every individual MyBotPage you create can call out one of our available backgrounds.
👉 Yes, there is a $50 one-time placement fee. This can be ordered directly in your MyBotPage Back Office.
Your background image must meet the following specifications:
1920 Pixels Wide
1080 Pixels Tall
.jpg format
The image will be anchored to the CENTER and BOTTOM when displayed on a screen that is less than maximized so pay attention where the main content is positioned on the image you use. When your MyBotPage is displayed on a mobile phone, the part of the image that will be shown will be the content that is in the center and anchored at the bottom of your image.
You can order this in your Back Office.
Your background image must meet the following specifications:
1920 Pixels Wide
1080 Pixels Tall
.jpg format
The image will be anchored to the CENTER and BOTTOM when displayed on a screen that is less than maximized so pay attention where the main content is positioned on the image you use. When your MyBotPage is displayed on a mobile phone, the part of the image that will be shown will be the content that is in the center and anchored at the bottom of your image.
You can order this in your Back Office.
👉 Yes. There is a one-time charge of $100 for the graphic work and placement of the custom image into the system for you to access.
Our designers can create your background image for you. There is a one-time charge $100 to create it and place it in your account. We will work with you to get it perfect for your brand.You will need to pay for this service and then supply your ideas and requirements. We will work with you until you are 100% happy with the design and then we will put it in place to show as your background on your Personal MyBotPage.
You can order this in your Back Office.
Our designers can create your background image for you. There is a one-time charge $100 to create it and place it in your account. We will work with you to get it perfect for your brand.You will need to pay for this service and then supply your ideas and requirements. We will work with you until you are 100% happy with the design and then we will put it in place to show as your background on your Personal MyBotPage.
You can order this in your Back Office.
👉 Easy. You simply paste the number of the image you want to use into your MyBotPage Back Office in the Backgrounds section.